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Life was good. High school sports, friends, student government, supportive family and acceptance to a great university five hundred miles form home. A new beginning of sorts. One of my fellow freshman students invited me to church. The college Sunday school class was a new experience for me. Verses from the Bible were used to explain what they called the good news. All have sinned … Romans 3:23, The wages of sin is death, eternal death, Romans 6:23. God loved us so much He sent His Son to pay for our sin, John 3:16, Romans 5:8., and give us life, eternal life. Our part in this good news was to believe Jesus Christ is lord and confess Him as savior.Romans 10:13. What was shown me from the Bible was not hard to understand, but it was not in line with my view of the world. I was a good, person, most of the time. I carried about people. I was part of the solution and not part of the problem at least in my mind. I asked questions in the class, I was not impressed with what these college students knew about their faith and the Bible, but one thing did impress me. The were completely sincere and believed accepting Jesus as Lord had changed their lives. I spent most of the day thinking about what had been shared. Perhaps what they said was true, should I put it to the test? That evening I returned to the church for an evening service. Son’t remember the preaching, but I do remember they sand two closing songs. After the closing hymn, instead of a prayer they sang a second closing hymn I Surrender All. During the second verse I did surrender all, My live was changed for ever. Consider Christ. His Word, the Bible has the supernatural power to work miracles in your life, I Thessalonians 2:13.