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I have been blessed to have grown up at Moodyville Baptist so from a young age I was taught about God. I saw His word and His faithfulness lived out in my home. I watched my parents rely wholeheartedly on Him time and time again through many challenges and I saw Him faithfully carry them through those challenges. I knew I wanted that. I could see clearly that He was the difference in their life. They had a peace and a security no matter what life brought their way. 
When I was eleven I had my personal encounter with Him. I knew I was a sinner condemned to hell without Jesus. I was able to understand and believe that His sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection had paid my debt in full and made the way for me. He had been knocking on my heart for some time and I finally opened the door and let Him in as the Lord and Savior of my life. Anyone that knows me can attest that I do not like being the center of attention but one Sunday morning in January of 2001 I finally worked up the courage to make that walk down the aisle at Moodyville Baptist and publicly confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Looking back now that was the easiest walk to make. I was walking towards my Savior who was standing ready to embrace me with open arms. That was the best decision I ever made and ever will make. It truly changed my life. 
Since becoming a Christian and maturing on my walk with the Lord He sure has taught me a ton. I could write a book. Life as a Christian has had its challenges for sure. There have been hard lessons learned and heartbreaking losses in the years that have followed but He remains steadfast and faithful. Like I witnessed with my parents, He has carried me through many valleys and over many hilltops and has never once left my side. When I wander astray like the knucklehead I can be at times, He gently guides me back. He is constantly teaching me and pruning me. 
Life with Jesus truly is the best journey. I know with certainty that no matter what the day brings I will be okay simply because of Him. He is my refuge, He is my strength, and He is my joy. I could lose everything and everyone in this world and I would still have more than I deserve because I have Him, now and forever more. My prayer is that everyone would know Him personally and know His love and grace that He so freely gives. His heart is for us, His creation. We are all sinners in need of His saving grace and He stands eager and ready to accept everyone who would believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. 
I’ll close with a verse that is widely known but so impactful and all encompassing of His heart. John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. That is His desire for us. God is so very good.