My path to salvation-
I was christened Catholic. My Great-grandmother was a devote Catholic and as a child I remember seeing her pray her rosary beads and read her small devotional each morning. I remember her going to church on Sundays, the palms she would bring home and put under her mattress on Palm Sunday.
My mother wasn’t a church goer. So, when Granny died in 1977 this was the end of anything relating to church.
I was raising a daughter almost entirely on my own. It was challenging and a blessing. A life-changing event happened for both of us in 1999 and I began praying for help and guidance.
Krista was a sophomore in high school, very active in the student council, sports and competitive baton twirling. I wanted to make sure her life would remain as stable as possible.
We moved into an apartment I couldn’t afford on my salary as a fiscal assistant with the school system, and I had started taking classes at the University of Maryland to work on my bachelor’s degree in accounting.
Back to the apartment I couldn’t afford… I started looking for part-time work which would still allow me to remain active with Krista’s activities. I had interviews for five different accountant positions with the school system. I needed the nudge in my salary to be able to afford to stay involved with Krista’s activities, afford the apartment and put food on the table.
Four failed interview attempts because the positions were pre-selected with applicants from inside their departments. By the fifth interview I was laid back, polished and I was sure in my mind I wouldn’t get the position because of “pre-selection”.
I really didn’t know what I was going to do. Actively seeking a part-time position so I could make ends meet, one of the moms of baton twirling I had been talking with and knew of my circumstances was very active in a little church in Winfield (Sykesville) MD, called Winfield Bible Chapel. She invited us to join them for a Sunday service. Krista and I started attending the church and became more and more active.
I began praying, praying specifically for our needs. I was sitting at my desk when I received a call from Roy Taft in our HR department. I knew him very well, he said “Salli the Division of School Plant Operations would like to offer you the position of accountant”. My prayers had been answered. This would mean a 15% jump in my salary, and I would be able to stay active with Krista activities.
Fast forward to the year 2004-2005. Still active at Winfield Bible Chapel, they announced they would be offering a church wide baptism on March 24, 2005. I knew in my heart I wanted to be saved. I knew the Lord was speaking specifically to me since the baptism was occurring on my birthday. Making all the necessary arrangements with church personnel I took Jesus as my Lord and Savior and I have been saved for 19 years.